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Choosing the Tanning Lotion That’s Right for You

Choosing Tanning Lotion

Any salon you go into, the technician will definitely tell you that moist skin tans best and lotions accelerates the tanning process. Lotion will make your tan look better and will help you tan evenly while protecting you from unwanted rays. Without a doubt, indoor tanning lotion is something you should be using when you tan, but the type of lotion to use is something you’ll need to determine.

Understanding the Ingredients

Tanning lotions may have all kinds of additional ingredients or added perfumes and moisturizers, but there are a few more important things to be watching for when picking the right lotion. The main idea is to keep your skin moist, but some lotions will get your skin to continue tanning even once you’ve left the tanning booth.

Tyrosine is an amino acid that stimulates melanin production and can be found in many brands of tanning lotions. It helps you tan faster and is considered a tan accelerator. Vitamin E will help fight premature aging while Aloe Vera or cocoa butter will help in keeping your skin well moisturized. Some lotions may contain copper which reduce the appearance of scars and other blemishes on your skin.

What Not to Use

While top of the line salon quality lotions may optimize your tan to its full potential, you don’t have to use the most expensive product out there to get a beautiful tan. However, there are some tanning products you should avoid. Tanning oil, for instance, is not meant for indoor tanning. Not only is it messy, but it blocks the UV rays from reaching you and can be hard to clean off a lay down style bed. Tanning beds and bulbs are expensive and sensitive equipment so while using an everyday body moisturizer can help your tan, sticking to an indoor specific lotion will protect the bed and give you the best results. Using an indoor lotion for bed and booth tanning is always your best bet.

After Care Lotion

Most salons will sell after care tanning lotions that you use after your session to give your tan a boost or even a continuous tanning effect. If you chose not to use an after tanning lotion, using regular body lotion will still go a long way in helping you maintain your tan by moisturizing and slowing the exfoliation process.

Knowing your skin tone can help you when choosing the right lotion. Most salon technicians can assist you in determining the correct range of products to be choosing from. Price may be a factor in your decision, but there is usually a variety of lotion types for all skin tones in each price range. If you’re unsure of the best product for you, some salons will also offer either free samples, or a sample for a small fee. Once you decide on your lotion of choice, you’ll be on your way to a golden shine.

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