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Stand Up Booths Versus Lay Down Beds

If you’ve ever gone to a tanning salon, you’ll have been given the option of a lay down bed or a stand up tanning booth.  While it’s all a matter of personal preference, there are some differences between the two types of equipment.

In a booth you’ll be able to move around more easily.  This can allow you to raise or lower your arms, stand a certain way, or even stretch out if the booth is feeling cramped.  Lying in a bed restricts your movements somewhat and spots can be missed from having to stay in more or less one position.

The lamps in the stand up booths are often made with special reflectors inside.  These reflectors help to spread the light around the tanning chamber and ensure you’re getting tanned from all sides.  This gives you an excellent even tan with no missed areas.

When lying on the glass of a lay down bed, pressure points can be formed between the glass and certain parts of your body.  Because of the compacted tissue, the UV rays aren’t able to properly soak into your skin and you may have lighter areas in some places.  This can be avoided in lay down beds by simply adjusting your position every so often, but it’s a problem that is completely eliminated in a stand up booth.

Stand up booths tend to have stronger bulbs providing you with a quicker tan.  In a salon, the stand up beds usually have a lower maximum time limit because their bulbs are more intense.  If spending too much time in a bed is an issue for you, the more efficient booths may solve that problem.

Standing up in a booth is not for everyone though.  Even if you’re only in there for a few minutes, it can get boring or become tiresome.  Lying in a bed is often more relaxing and some tanners even find it quite enjoyable and therapeutic.  Lying down also allows you to use the separated goggles that don’t require the nose piece in the middle or the elastic to keep them on your head.  While the thin tan lines they create can be fixed by adjusting your goggles, it can give you one less thing to think about.

UV light kills most bacteria and tanning beds are cleaned by the salon staff after every use, but hygiene may still be a concern for you.  Since you don’t touch the sides of a stand up bed, the cause for worry regarding germs is removed completely.

Choosing the type of bed to use comes down mostly to comfort, efficiency, and best results.  Try both at your salon and see which style you prefer.  Some people even choose to alternate between lay down and stand up to maximize tanning coverage and keep their experience a little more interesting.

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