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Which Tanning Method is Best for You?

The quest to get that perfect bronze hue can be harder and harder these days with peoples busy schedules and cautions about tanning in the sun. Sometimes you have no time in your day to get outside during the peak tanning hours, or you live in a climate that doesn’t always allow for outdoor tanning. Well there are options out there now that completely remove the need for sun and with a little bit of information you’ll be able to choose the method that suits your needs best.


One of the simplest and least expensive ways to give yourself some glow comes in the form of bronzing powder and moisturizer cosmetics. While it will last only as long as your makeup is on, this is a great way to either enhance your current tan or add a bit of extra colour for a short time. This option is most effective for use on just your face and neck.

Wet Tanning Products

Tanning lotions, creams, mousses, or gels can be a great way to get an easy sunless tan, but choosing the right brand that works best with your skin type is important. The price range with this product can be very low in the form of a generic drugstore brand or can sky rocket up to a designer product that comes in a tiny bottle. You can usually find a good mid-range product that won’t give you a cheap looking artificial tan for a decent price with a little bit of shopping around.

Tanning Pills

A tanning option that can get a little pricier than some of the tanning creams and lotions out there comes in the form of tanning pills. These pills contain caretenoid pigments that affect the layers of fat below your skin by giving them a darker tint. Large amounts of this pigment can turn your skin an orange shade so be careful to work up to your desired shade slowly by determining how much is the right amount for your body. Consistent use of this option is easily the most convenient way to get a lasting tan and there’s no need to apply any lotions or sit through any extended tanning procedures.

Spray Tanning

Getting your tan sprayed on from a booth or an airbrush technician will last for only about a week before it needs to be re-applied, but you can get a beautiful and even tan in a matter of minutes with virtually no mess. Unlike the wet tanning products, there is no staining of your clothes because this method dries much more quickly and doesn’t use dyes.

Tanning Beds or Booths

Closest to the tan you would get from the sun, tanning beds or stand-up booths use bulbs which emit UV radiation. Because this method affects your deepest layer of skin, you’ll get the longest lasting effect from a tanning bed and you have the best chance at an even tan with no streaking or blotching. It can be more expensive to maintain this tan as you have to either buy your own equipment or go to a salon to use theirs, but this will give you a glow that lasts for weeks even once you stop tanning.

Regardless of the method you choose to get your tan, exfoliating before any process and making sure you have clean skin will give you the best results. A good moisturizing regime can extend the life of your tan and will keep your skin looking young and healthy. Whether you want to avoid UV rays or get a quick spray tan that will last long enough for a special occasion or event, there is a tanning method out there that’s sure to suit anyone’s schedule and budget.

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